This psychological drama, written by Claire Novello and directed by Kenneth Michaels,(Secretary of the Catholic Association of Performing Arts) marks 60 years since Alma Mahler's death, and still ...
In today's Gospel reading, we hear how the disciples "did not understand Jesus and were afraid to ask Him about what He had ...
A 55-minute flight from Luxembourg brought Pope Francis to Brussels' Melsbroek Air Base last night, beginning the second leg ...
In the late 1980s, whilst completing a post-grad journalism course in London, I came across a remarkable reference set ...
A work of art always has something sacred about it'This quote from Hans-Georg Gadamer forms the starting point of the autumn ...
The World Day of Migrants and Refugees will be celebrated this Sunday, 29 September 2024. Cardinal Vincent Nichols will be celebrating a Mass for World Day of Migrants and Refugees today, Saturday 28 ...
Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) has issued a statement supporting last week's United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution, which affirms the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) advisory ...
At a time of growing crisis in the Middle East, Christian migrants and asylum seekers struggling in Israel are receiving emergency help from the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.With this Sunday (29th ...