米衛星放送大手ディレクTVは同業ディッシュ・ネットワークを買収する方向で協議しており、話し合いは進んだ段階にある。事情を知る関係者が明らかにした。実現すれば、数十年にわたる合併の試み失敗の歴史を経て、米国最大級の有料テレビ番組配信事業者が誕生すること ...
米メタ・プラットフォームズのザッカーバーグ最高経営責任者(CEO)は25日に開幕した年次開発者会議で、仮想現実(VR)や拡張現実(AR)技術を組み合わせた最新のヘッドセットを披露した。メタは社名をフェイスブックから変更する前の2014年、VRヘッドセ ...
Eric Adams is the first sitting mayor in New York City’s modern history to face federal criminal charges. WSJ's Corinne Ramey explains what's in the indictment and what it means for Adams.
Cobenfy gives patients an alternative to drugs with troublesome side effects.
The National Transportation Safety Board issued urgent recommendations for the rudder system on about 350 Boeing 737 jets ...
The New York diocese’s settlement requires all of its parishes to file for bankruptcy.
Kamala Harris says she won’t go. Reversing that decision is the smartest thing she can do.
The agency’s Mitigating Climate Change initiative aims to enforce climate-change goals Congress hasn’t authorized.
It was supposed to be an advisory meeting. It became an expert-led focus group.
Cities and counties are selling bonds to cover the costs of storms and drought. The Wall Street Journal's Heather Gillers has ...
Vice President lays out 82 pages of more spending, more taxes, more regulation, more government.
The indicted Mayor of New York deserves his day in court.