The U.S. Commerce Department on Monday unveiled a rule that could ease shipments of artificial intelligence chips like those ...
Federal Reserve Chairman Powell signaled Monday that the Fed will continue cut interest rates toward a more neutral stance, ...
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - North Korea appeared on Monday to dismiss the possibility of a return to the personal diplomacy its leader Kim Jong Un had with former President Donald Trump, no matter who ...
The Texas Stock Exchange, which is planning to launch next year, announced a board of directors on Monday in its latest step toward building a regional exchange to rival long-established platforms in ...
Reental anunció su entrada a los mercados de Argentina, México y la República Dominicana y planea introducir opciones de ...
随着以色列和黎巴嫩真主党之间冲突的最近升级,多个西方国家正在更新其在黎巴嫩公民的紧急撤离计划。作为距离中东最近的欧盟成员国,塞浦路斯预计将成为这些行动的中心枢纽,类似于2006年黎巴嫩真主党-以色列战争期间处理约60,000名撤离人员的角色。土耳其也 ...
Am Montag senkte Canaccord Genuity das Kursziel für Pagaya Technologies (NASDAQ:PGY) von 42,00 US-Dollar auf 32,00 US-Dollar, ...
Führende Banken erwarten, dass die Goldpreisrallye bis 2025 anhalten wird. Als treibende Kräfte gelten erneute Zuflüsse in ...
Nos últimos anos, a maior parte das cidades europeias tem assistido a crises imobiliárias que têm vindo a tornar-se uma ...
Coiness - 외신에 따르면 제롬 파월 미 연준 의장이 전미실물경제학회 연설을 통해 "경제가 예상대로 발전한다면 올해 두 차례 더 금리를 인하할 생각이다. 총 50bp를 인하할 계획"이라고 말했다. 그는 "금리 인하를 ...
تحذير المخاطر: ينطوي التداول في الأدوات المالية و/ أو العملات الرقمية على مخاطر عالية بما في ذلك مخاطر فقدان بعض أو كل مبلغ الاستثمار الخاص بك، وقد لا يكون مناسبًا لجميع المستثمرين. فأسعار العملات الر ...
对S&W种子公司(SANW)来说,这是充满挑战的一年,其股价已跌至52周新低,触及仅0.21美元的价格水平。这一显著下跌反映了公司股价在一年内骤降78.93%的严峻变化。投资者一直忧心忡忡地看着SANW股价在对农业板块毫不留情的市场中苦苦挣扎。这家以农业育种和生产闻名的公司面临着多重不利因素,导致股价下跌,让利益相关者不禁思考股票未来的走势。 在其他近期新闻中,S&W种子公司获得股东批准进行拆股, ...