Videos of the Nazi leader speaking in English are reaching millions online. Experts fear they’re fueling a surge of ...
These are the private motion pictures of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, which were seized by the US Army, in Germany, in 1945.
Aided by AI and gaming the algorithm, videos of Adolf Hitler's speeches have been capturing audiences on TikTok.
One disturbing clip garnered more than 1 million views before it was squashed, Media Matters reported last week.
Videos of Adolf Hitler ’s speeches, translated with the help of artificial intelligence, are infiltrating TikTok feeds across ...
Named after a particularly eventful year in German history, 1923 is a book that examines the economic and political context ...
On February 20, 1933, Adolf Hitler held a secret meeting with 25 German industrialists before the federal election of March ...
In a striking UNGA speech, Erdogan condemns Netanyahu, urges global action, and highlights the humanitarian crisis in ...
While North Carolina GOP gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson’s campaign staff have fled his campaign in the days that ...
From secret adoration to loud dismay, Germans have come to terms with the Nazi past over 80 years in very different ways, as a new exhibition shows.
The Turkish leader has called out the Israeli PM over the Gaza conflict Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has urged the ...