The application deadline for the accredited Transformative Leadership programme has been extended to Monday, 7 October. What ...
Minister of State with responsibility for Disability, Anne Rabbitte, has launched the next call for applications to the ...
The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, has launched the 2024/25 Parent ...
Loneliness has become a pressing issue in Ireland, earning the unfortunate distinction of being the loneliest country in the ...
Health inequalities remain a significant challenge in Ireland, where access to healthcare and outcomes are shaped by ...
As housing precarity continues to rise in Ireland, the role of sector organisations in providing social housing, tenancy ...
Community gardens and allotments are powerful tools for climate adaptation and combating biodiversity loss. They provide ...
We are excited to announce that the second National Allotments and Community Gardens Week will be taking place in Ireland ...
Sanctuary Runners, a solidarity-through-sport movement with a particular focus on community integration especially of ...
The Changemakers Academy is STAND’S most extensive and in-depth programme, designed for university students passionate about global issues and social justice activism. Tailored for those with solid ...
Safefood is inviting tenders from external organisations (either a ‘Non-Governmental Organisation’ or a State Body) who have knowledge of and strong links with the community sector, to manage the ...
Each year Community Gardens Ireland holds an Autumn Gathering to bring community growers together. This year we are holding ...