In 2022, nearly 619,000 global deaths due to malaria were caused by Plasmodium falciparum, the most virulent, prevalent, and ...
Sea robins are unusual animals with the body of a fish, wings of a bird, and walking legs of a crab. Now, researchers show ...
In a surprise finding, astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have discovered that the blowtorch-like jet from a ...
Given how unfathomably large the universe is, it is perhaps understandable that we haven’t yet cracked all its secrets. But ...
Here’s the story we like to tell about the beginning of the universe. Space is expanding evenly everywhere, but if you rewind ...
Some ‘experts’ are predicting that AI will soon take over the world's bureaucracy -- governments, banks, universities etc, and that we will have no idea what is r ...
Where did our unique moon come from? It turns out that lunar rocks brought back by Apollo astronauts are a clue, pointing to the origin of our closest cosmic companion, an origin even s ...
With strong bactericidal properties, graphene has the potential to become a game changer in the fight against ...
When lounging outside on a pleasant, clear 75 °F fall day – the Sun shining brightly, but not excessively so – you might give ...
Astronomers from the University of Arizona, along with an international group of researchers, observed the atmosphere of a ...
Genetically modified (GM) crops are widely used around the world, but their effects on the environment need to be explored ...
New findings argue against a direct causal role for dopamine during the experience of a treatment effect in the establishment of positive treatment expectations and placebo analgesia in healthy volunt ...