SOUL Church would love to welcome you to a night of worship led by Hillsong London on Sunday 6th October at 5pm.
The Way of the Spirit is holding an East Anglia regional day in Ipswich that is open to anyone in the surrounding area.
Gavin Calver, CEO of the Evangelical Alliance, will be speaking at Lighthouse Community Church next month, and tickets for the event are now available.
Inspired by the story of the widow’s penny in Mark’s gospel, Ian Boughton wonders about the impact of his own humble ...
The Sheringham and Cromer Choral Society’s popular annual Come and Sing event will be held on Saturday 19 October, and ...
Three people have been licensed as Lay Ministers to serve in the Diocese of Norwich by the Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Rev ...
Headlight is a new youth group which meets on Cromer beach, and anyone between 11 and 16 years is welcome to come along and ...
The King's Coffee Shop reopened its doors following a summer-long refurbishment. The aim behind giving the beloved shop-front ...
The benefice of St Benedict's Sunday Club enjoyed a day trip to Norwich Anglican Cathedral last weekend. On Sunday September ...
Sheringham Shed, which is run by the town’s Lighthouse Community Church, is opening its doors as a Repair Shop, and anyone ...
The Rev Richard Lamey has been licensed by the Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Rev Graham Usher, as the new Director of Mission and ...
A series of monthly Revival Nights are set to restart at St Stephen’s Church in Norwich from this Saturday, September 28, ...