At its surface, Stolen Valor is a legal term used to describe people who claim gallant military awards -- like the Purple ...
The command chief of the 81st Training Wing at Keesler Air Force Base in Mississippi was removed from his leadership role ...
The dismally low numbers are disappointing advocates who say the promise of Biden’s pardons raised hopes that thousands of ...
The latest support raises the total amount of weapons and security assistance the U.S. has provided Ukraine to almost $60 ...
A pilot program has already helped more than 60,000 veterans, with more than half having their health care needs resolved ...
Lawmakers did not include the requested VA funding in the CR -- and are so far not committing to including the money in the ...
It was the first public support announced by a Haitian government official since the U.S. proposed a U.N. peacekeeping ...
In the strong, new warning to the West, Putin said that any nation’s conventional attack on Russia that is supported by a ...
The graphic novel "Drafted" follows Rick Parker's Army journey, beginning with his high school graduation, getting drafted, ...
A study conducted by Rand Corp. found that caregivers provide services for troops and veterans worth between $199 billion and ...
The Army says it has hit recruiting goals for this year following a military wide slump, a sign the service may be overcoming ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke as he landed in New York to attend the annual U.N. General Assembly meeting ...