In today's Gospel reading, we hear how the disciples "did not understand Jesus and were afraid to ask Him about what He had ...
A 55-minute flight from Luxembourg brought Pope Francis to Brussels' Melsbroek Air Base last night, beginning the second leg ...
In the late 1980s, whilst completing a post-grad journalism course in London, I came across a remarkable reference set ...
A work of art always has something sacred about it'This quote from Hans-Georg Gadamer forms the starting point of the autumn ...
Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) has issued a statement supporting last week's United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution, which affirms the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) advisory ...
At a time of growing crisis in the Middle East, Christian migrants and asylum seekers struggling in Israel are receiving emergency help from the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.With this Sunday (29th ...