An agricultural climate leader says eliminating unspent Inflation Reduction Act funding would be a disservice to farmers. Joe ...
A northeast Arkansas farmer says he hopes his fields recover after dealing with the remnants of two hurricanes this year.
An ag economist from the Farm Credit Administration says there are still concerns about the direction of the ag economy.
U.S. farm income shot higher in August as input costs moved lower. The USDA says the index of prices received by farmers was ...
An extension crops educator is concerned too many farmers underestimate the threat of soybean cyst nematode. Angie Peltier ...
More than 150,000 John Deere compact utility tractors are being recalled after reports of brake failures. According to the ...
A professor of farm management at the University of Illinois says the latest projections show farm incomes continuing to ...
A regional vice president at Farm Credit MidAmerica says farmers should be strategic when making management decisions in ...
Iowa’s secretary of agriculture says strengthening the trade relationship with India presents opportunities for U.S. ag. Mike ...
The U.S. is expected to raise fewer turkeys in 2024 than 2023. The USDA projects a 6% year-to-year decline in the number of ...
A Central Nebraska farmer says he’s seen some disease pressure this year, but still expects a good harvest.  Mike Bergen, who ...
A bill has been introduced in the U.S. House that would enable year-round sales of E15 fuel blends nationwide. A bipartisan ...