Journalist and podcast host Megyn Kelly unloaded on social media in reaction to a post about the newly declared “highest paid ...
Vice President Kamala Harris's plan for the border crisis becomes clearer when looking at the transcript of her MSNBC interview.
Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz answered lawmakers questioning him about the DOJ's review of the events ...
Rep. Tom Tiffany is demanding an immediate investigation over Madison city officials accidentally mailing out 2,215 duplicate ballots.
Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has chosen to quadruple down on her "deplorables" comment from 2016.
A young mother tried to sneak her kids into Disneyland and wound up being hauled off in cuffs with her children clinging to her.
A Maine mayor advised the elderly that they should consider taking out a reverse mortgage to pay skyrocketing property taxes.
A famous tool-using chimpanzee housed at a Guinea research center reportedly ripped a baby from her mother's arms and then killed her.
Mark Cuban claimed in a discussion that he used to be a Trump supporter but then switched over time because of reasons.
A woman who's been accused of stealing another flight passenger's charger now says that it's all a big misunderstanding.
A Santa Monica homeowner fed up with the homeless crisis invented a device to drive away those trying to camp at his home.
Vivek Ramaswamy's comments on Alex Soros are being deemed "anti-Semitic" by some, but others aren't seeing it.