Failing to investigate Eygi’s killing “gives Israeli forces unacceptable license to act with impunity,” they said.
A Democratic U.S. senator has introduced legislation that would drastically reform the Supreme Court, proposing, among other ...
In Tennessee, a school district banned the Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel Maus, which tells the story of the Holocaust, ...
A new poll shows that a majority of Americans are supportive of ending the Electoral College — and that Republican voters, ...
Under a little-utilized law in Ohio, private residents can file criminal charges when local prosecutors fail to do so.
The Israeli military returned the Palestinians’ bodies with no identification or information about their deaths.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and two other senators have introduced resolutions that will force the Senate to undertake ...
AMY GOODMAN: We go now to Beirut, where we’re joined by Lara Bitar, editor-in-chief of The Public Source, a Beirut-based independent media organization.
Two US agencies said domestic law dictated a suspension of military aid to Israel, but Blinken rebuffed the findings.
Progressive lawmakers and advocacy groups are sharply criticizing the Biden administration for its decision this week to ...
Bearing witness to Missouri’s latest state-sponsored killing, mourners spoke out at a vigil outside the execution room.
United States Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) has skipped every vote in the Senate since being picked as the vice presidential ...