特朗普对一些硅谷精英有吸引力,因为他们认同这个人。对他们来说,他也是国家的受害者,因为大胆的想法而受到不公正的迫害。实际上,他也是他们逃避责任的挡箭牌。特朗普可能会威胁民主范式,传播虚假信息;他甚至可能引发经济衰退,但他不会挑战他们构建自己喜欢的技术 ...
The captain has been far from his best this term - his high-risk/high-reward approach is yet to pay off. United need that to ...
川普對一些矽谷精英有吸引力,因為他們認同這個人。對他們來說,他也是國家的受害者,因為大膽的想法而受到不公正的迫害。實際上,他也是他們逃避責任的擋箭牌。川普可能會威脅民主範式,傳播虛假信息;他甚至可能引發經濟衰退,但他不會挑戰他們構建自己喜歡的技術的能 ...
In a 13-inning loss to the Marlins, the Twins stranded 11 of 15 base runners from the seventh inning on. Their playoff ...
Tracking the Polls. The state of the race, according to the latest polling data.
Polls by “select pollsters” are shown with a diamond. These pollsters have backgrounds that tend to mean they are more ...