Chroming, or getting high via inhaling hydrocarbons by misusing a variety of legal products, is trending among adolescents, ...
Influenced largely by TikTok, young people are embracing a type of recreational drug that involves inhaling dangerous ...
A resurgence of youth seeking a high from "chroming"—the act of inhaling toxic fumes from household items such as nail polish ...
Chroming, where toxic fumes from common household items are inhaled for a quick high, is on the rise among youth and ...
"Chroming," also known as "huffing" or "bagging," has become a notorious—and potentially fatal—trend. Chroming is a form of ...
In Doncaster, South Yorkshire, a 12-year-old boy suffered a life-threatening incident after inhaling antiperspirant as part of the chroming trend. Chroming involves inhaling volatile substances ...
Signs to watch out for incase your kids are trying it 🚨 Chroming has been blamed for the deaths of multiple youngsters. The term comes from Australian slang. Experts have told parents of the ...