New polling from the Utah Debate Commission found that Republican candidates for U.S. House and Senate carry double-digit leads over their Democratic opponents. The commission based finalized debate lineups on the results of the poll.
The Utah Supreme Court could uphold the district court’s decision to void the proposed amendment or overturn it.
The Utah Supreme is hearing arguments on whether votes for Amendment D — empowering the Legislature to repeal or amend any voter-approved ballot measure — should count in the 2024 general election.
Utah is one of eight states to send ballots to all active, registered voters by mail. It is also the only red state of the bunch.
On Wednesday, attorneys for the Legislature will try to convince the Utah Supreme Court to overturn a lower court ruling voiding a ballot measure that would ensure the Legislature’s power to amend or ignore voter-approved ballot initiatives.
Congressional leaders reached a deal to avoid a government shutdown, but it won't include provisions pushed by Utah Sen. Mike Lee to require proof of citizenship when people register to vote.
Of the votes cast in 26 or 29 counties in the June primary election, 96.7% — more than 400,000 — came on the ballots Utahns received in the mail. Here's how reporters got that number.
A state legislative committee declined to hear complaints about the Utah Republican Party’s caucus-night presidential poll for the second time on Wednesday, citing biased presentations, the independence of party organizations and an alleged conflict of interest with the committee chair.
The FBI intercepted a threatening letter intended for Utah Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson’s staff office on Friday morning, according to a statement released by the Lieutenant Governor’s Office.
Utah is one of eight states to send ballots to all active, registered voters by mail. It is also the only red state of the bunch.
The Utah County clerk — who has been a vocal critic of voting by mail — is facing calls from state election officials to improve his office’s election processes after a state review of the 2024 primary found some of his staff were “too strict” during ballot signature verification,
In front of a room packed with Utah Republican Party leaders, many of whom voted last year to forgo a presidential primary in favor of a poll at local caucus meetings, GOP lawmakers voted to cancel a hearing on Utah’s disorderly Super Tuesday for a second time.