State Senate Ethics Committee Max Burns, a Republican from Sylvania, said he’s confident Senate Bill 189, which partly took effect in July, will hold up in court.
Una nueva demanda pretende anular dos disposiciones de una ley electoral de Georgia relacionadas con los votantes considerados como inelegibles.
The Georgia State Election Board meeting became contentious on Monday as two members of the Republican-controlled board defended their reasons for approving a controversial new election rule requiring county election officials to hand-count the number of ballots cast on Election Day.
Trump-backed members of Georgia's State Election Board last week passed a rule requiring hand-counted ballots.
Members of the Muscogee County community reacted to a new rule in Georgia requiring all ballots be hand counted.
A lawsuit over the State Election Board seeks a court order requiring Gov. Brian Kemp to order an ethics hearing.
The Georgia State Election Board passed a controversial new rule on hand-counting election ballots. Here's what to know.
This November, at least five members in this age group are first-time candidates for the Georgia General Assembly, and some of them may win.
Democrats are accusing three GOP members of the State Election Board of holding an illegal meeting and illegally passing rules critics say will sow chaos in the presidential race.
Donald Trump is heading to Georgia today for a speech on the U.S. manufacturing industry and the state of taxation.
Voting rights activist Stacey Abrams joins Morning Joe to discuss Republican-led efforts to change election laws. In Georgia, the State Election Board passed a law requiring all of the state's voting precincts to hand-count ballots and ensure the tallies match machine counts before their deadline to certify election results.