To end the war soon and on terms favorable to Kyiv, Ukraine will need to go on the offensive once again in 2025. After the ...
But even though its effects on countries’ political systems and the extent to which it fosters democratic decay have been ...
BRICS stands out among such initiatives as the most significant, relevant, and potentially influential. Since the group’s ...
Unless he can improve as a manager and become more adroit at political negotiation, Milei will lose political capital—and ...
Since then, Hezbollah has continued to design its attacks to stay below the threshold of a full-scale conflagration. The ...
And despite a perception among some Western policymakers and academics that these efforts are tone deaf, China’s external ...
As scholars have long known, public support for political violence encourages volatile people—those who may actually use ...
The foundations of deterrence theory lie in the Cold War writings of thinkers such as Thomas Schelling, who sought to ...
The tussle between the Philippines and China over rammed vessels is just the latest in a series of confrontations that many ...
The apparent hardening of a U.S. consensus on China is shallower and wobblier than it appears. In this fluid environment, ...
Perhaps that is why, in private conversations, almost no one we talk to—not other analysts, diplomats, or ...
Yet as these major countries seem to be retreating from capitalism, there are a few places across the income curve, including ...